

著者:K. I. プロシャエフ,A. N. イリニンツキー,S. S. コノヴァロフ



著者:S. S. コノヴァロフ,I. M. クヴェトノイ,K. I. プロシャエフ,A. N. イリニツキー

本モノグラフィーでは初めて,病理の発達・進行のリスク要因の予防の分子的基礎の分野における主な新機軸がまとめられ,かつ詳細に分析されている。特に社会学的に重要な病気の病因論にて重要であり,あらゆる段階での予防が必要となるリスク要因の神経免疫内分泌学的側面から見た影響についての議論に大きな関心が割かれている。S. S. コノヴァロフ氏と共著者による本モノグラフィーは,内科医,内分泌学者,腫瘍専門医,神経病専門医,老年学者,生理学者,生態学者,また医科大学や大学の生物学部の学生といった,幅広い分野の専門家に勧めることのできる著作である。

Biology of Tumour Growth (Molecular and Medical Aspects)

216 pages, hard cover, book size: 60×90/16

This monograph of Dr Sergey Konovalov is designed especially for specialists: doctors of all specialties, and students in medicine and biology. It summarises the modern database on the nomenclature, classification, molecular and cellular biology, aetiological factors, and morphogenesis of tumour processes. Limited edition.

Selection of Geriatrics Conferences

Authors: K.I. Proschaev; A.N. Ilnicky; S.S.Konovalov

This book provides a selection of lectures on the most important aspects of gerontology and geriatrics. It discusses the modern methods of diagnosis, cure, prevention, and rehabilitation of this disease, which is widespread among seniors.
Also, postoperative stress-related issues and patient care are studied, and the theories of ageing and the principles of the organisation of gerontological help are discussed. The book is dedicated to doctors in multiple areas: therapists, geriatricians, cardiologists, and other specialists who work with elderly patients. The book will also appeal to resident doctors, graduate students, and undergraduates at medical universities.

Lipids and Cancer: Essays on Lipidology of the Oncology Process

Authors: V.V. Bezuglov; S.S. Konovalov

This book broadens significantly the contemporary ideas about lipids and their role in the pathological formation of tumours.
The fundamental classes of lipids that form the basis of lipid regulation are analysed in this monograph.
The new perspectives of therapy are reviewed, both therapies related to the use of lipids and to exposure to main albumins of lipid metabolism and reception.
This monograph is very timely and helpful to a broad range of readers, medics, and biologists.
College and university students will find introductory material about various lipid class structures and functions.
This edition has no equivalent in the contemporary scientific literature.

Recommended by the Scientific Committee of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry M.M. Chemiakin and Ju.A. Ovchinnikov of the Academy of Sciences of Russia as a scientific edition.



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